Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Sleeping like a bear and Eating like a lumberjack

The title of this blog describes our past few days quite accurately. The sleeping thing is probably a combination of the long travel day on Sunday, the 3-hour time difference and the constant light. In any event we are able to go to sleep when it's light, sleep all night and then stay asleep in the morning light which begins about 3am or so. The eating thing is another matter -- portions served here have all been "Paul Bunyon" size, whether we've ordered chowder, fish, reindeer sausage or breakfast pancakes. Our fridg in the room is filled with leftovers which we must discard tomorrow morning when we leave for Denali. Anyway, such sleep and eating makes us feel like Alaskans!

Today was one of those no picture days, except for this selfie we took in the Anchorage Museum

The museum was simply fabulous, displaying artifacts from several different tribes of native peoples, several large rooms of artwork and depicting Alaskan history through current times, all displayed in beautiful and innovative ways in a huge spacious building. We spent a ton of time there and finally left when we could absorb no more.

We also saw a one-of-a-kind photography show of the Aurora (Northern lights) at the Performing Arts Building. This was really a mesmerizing show.  Our mistake here was that we went after a beer and something to eat at the local brewery. Following a brewery visit near the end of another 10,000 step day with such a show in a dark theater and with orchestral music throughout was just not good timing on our part!

We spent the day today travelling by bus and seeing some new aspects of Anchorage. The downtown city bus depot (where all bus routes end/begin) is about 3 blocks from a mall of gift stores of some of the finest Alaskan art we have seen anywhere. Talk about a contrast in life!  But the bus was punctual, was easy to use, goes anywhere (we went to Barnes & Noble to replenish our reading supply), had friendly drivers, was really busy and had stops right near our hotel.

Speaking of our hotel, we experienced today what could be thought of as a statement of Anchorage:
When we returned to our 2nd floor room today, the outside window was still wide open (air conditioning as it is known here) as we had left it this morning and as the cleaning crew had obviously left it. I don't think anyone here was concerned about the security -- it was noticable to these city people.

Packing up tonight. We leave early tomorrow morning to catch the train for Denali. Once more it does look like the weather is going to be good. We'll be 3 days on this trip and are moving to a downtown hotel when we get back to Anchorage. Hopefully we will have internet of some sort at Denali so that we can continue with the blog. If not we'll catch it up when we return.

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